Smallflower Calendula (Calendula officinalis) (2 oz) #11235

Size 2 oz

Otherwise known as pot marigold or English marigold, Calendula is one of the earliest known cultivated flowers, grown in European gardens since the 12th century. By Shakespeare’s time, Calendula was widely believed to have magical powers; its blooms were seemingly ever-present as the first to rise in spring, and persist through the autumn frost.

“The marigold, that goes to bed wi’ th’ sun
And with him rises weeping” ~A Winter’s Tale

Calendula is native to Southern Europe, and while it is known as pot marigold and widely cultivated in the US - it is not to be confused with our common or garden marigolds. That is a completely different species of plant that does not share the beneficial compounds found in Calendula officinalis. Calendula is a member of the Asteraceae family with bright yellow to deep orange blooms consisting of ray florets, or petals, surrounding tiny flower buds in the center. Calendula is energetically warming and mild. It makes a wonderful addition to oils and salves to soothe the skin, as well as a mildly bitter and uplifting tea.

Common names: Marigold, Holigold, Mary Bud, Pot Marigold, Calendula, Maidens of the Sun